Thursday, 26 February 2015


Bastille are an indie rock band, and follow the stereotypical idea that all indie rock genre bands should be male.

The way that 'Bastille' influenced my music magazine is because they were a band of the same genre and they are very successful. I feel that the way they are presented as musicians through their images and their star image is a very accurate and clear way of presenting the group.

The sorts of clothes they wear are simple t-shits and some form of jacket. Their dress sense is quite simple and suits their genre of music. The way they present themselves is well groomed, perhaps with some facial hair.

The background of the photos of the band is very plain so there is more attention focused on the group themselves rather than their surrounding, which would also make the band more recognised because people will focus more on how they look than what is going on around them. The plain background is following the normal conventions of a indie rock image.

Rock Magazine

This is the front cover of a music magazine. The masthead is easy to read due to the colours complimenting each other rather than clashing, as well as the writing being clear to read because it is written in sans serif style font.  

There are cover lines which are very bold and big, and very easy to see. Neck Deep are a band which will make some people more interested in the magazine as they might be interested in that band. Another thing which might make people want to buy the magazine could be the 'warped tour' in the puff because people might like Warped and be interested in their tour.

Finally there is a bit of writing along the bottom which has the extra things which are inside, which might make people wonder what it might be about and they would then want to read the inside of the magazine, meaning that it attracted even more buyers.

This is the contents page of the music magazine. This has got the masthead of the front cover but in a different colour, which therefore is once again putting their sign and name out there and making sure people know it's them because it is always the same. 

There is informal language such as 'HIT US UP' relates better with the audience than formal language because formal language might seem too serious for someone of this age group or social group and put them off of the magazine. This heading is clear and eye catching which also would widen their fan-base. This is because if their weekly/monthly readers do follow the magazine on social media (such as twitter) then they might retweet something which the magazine has written and then all of their followers would see the post and some might be interested and also follow them. This could be a circle of widening their fan-base. 

The bottom of the page also has the different social media's which they can be found on and where further information about the magazine can be found throughout the week when the next magazine is being made. 

The band 'Neck Deep' are once again the main image (and in this case the only image) which are attracting a certain group of people to the magazine. 

The contents of the inside of the magazine with the page number is along the left column of the page/ 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Magazine Conventions - Double Page Spread

The Image
The image will always be very large, and usually on the left page rather than the right. The person in the image should always be looking into the camera to make it seem as if the person is having direct address with the individuals looking at the magazine page. This would interest the reader as there is a celebrity having direct address with them, which would therefore encourage the reader to actually buy the magazine.

Sometimes the image would spread across the whole page and although not every magazine does this, it is quite common for magazines to do.

The Quote
There would always be a quote of the text to attract the audience to the text and make them more interested and want to read what the text is about because there is a strange quote. Usually the quote would have something which doesn't fully explain itself to make the reader want to read more and find out the full story. This would also attract the reader and make them want to buy the magazine and read it.

The quote is often outrageous or controversial to grab the readers attention and make them want to know more.

The quote might be used as a headline also, or as a break in the text so there is not too much writing at once and it seems less overpowering and as if there is not as much to read at once, which would make the audience more encouraged to read it because they think they are not reading a lot.

If the double page spread is an interview or about someone famous, the page will always have their name in bold or noticeable font. This is to grab readers and fans of the celebrities attention. The public will always want to know about celebrities lives, diet, where they shop, and what events they have lined up, so putting their name somewhere attention grabbing on the page will once again entice the reader.

The Text
The text would always be in columns because columned writing seems less to read, which is more appealing to readers as seeing a lot of writing would seem boring and sometimes daunting to read. On average there would be around 2-4 columns in an interview, however sometimes the interview might go on for more than 2 pages, depending on how serious the topic the people are speaking about is.

The font is often fitted to the genre of the magazine, however many magazines use the same font and around 11-15 pt writing.

Page Number
The page number is always in the bottom corner of the page, and this is usually so that the page can be identified on the contents page and make the page easier for the audience to find the page that they are most interested in reading.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Original Pictures

The pictures I am posting are some of the pictures which I took into consideration of using when I was starting my magazine. Since I have taken the pictures I have chosen the ones I would like to use and begun my magazine. I took lots of pictures and some of them looked very similar so I am just posting one of each pose that I asked my model to do. 

The reason I did not use this image is because the models arm takes up too much of the space, which would be whether the coverlines would be. However everything else about this image is very appropriate for the type of magazine I am creating.

This is the image I have actually used for creating my magazine.

There were other photo's where my model had props such as drum sticks and a guitar, and headphones, however most of those photo's were not appropriate for the genre of my magazine, so the couple that were okay have been used in my magazine. 

The pictures I have posted I have not used, however the first three are very similar to the ones in my magazine.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme I ended up using was black, white and red. This is because the colours were the colours which I felt most went with the photo's I had, as well as most matching the genre of the magazine.

I did not know what colour scheme I would use until my images had been taken because on my questionnaire, there was not a most preferred colour scheme (because there was an even amount of votes for each one) and I did not know how any colours would look on my magazine until I had got my images and began editing them.

Once I began editing the magazine, the colours began to flow and look very good on the magazine. The colours suited the genre chosen and matched the image well.

Boy Model Costume Changes

At one point while planning to make my magazine, the female models could not do the photoshoots for various different reasons, which meant that I then had to use a male model (even though this wasn't following my plan). 

While using the male model for the photo-shoot, I asked him to change his outfit multiple times, until I felt that there was an outfit which was suitable to use for the front cover of the magazine.

However I have now found a female model who was willing to allow me to take photo's of her for my magazine and these photos (along with some others which were taken on a trip out to Whitstable) will be taken into consideration to be used for my contents page, as 50% of the page should be images). 

Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread

The front cover has followed the theme or genre which I chose to base my music magazine on, which was indie rock.

This is the contents page, also following the genre chosen.

This is the double page spread that I created on Adobe Photoshop. 

Since originally uploading these images, I have made lots of small changes to make my magazine seem even better and more like a magazine which would interest people into reading it. It also makes the magazine have more conventions which are more like how an actual magazine which is sold on the shelves would look and be laid out.